Tips For Music Appreciation
There are different ways to listen to and appreciate music. One of those is by comparing different genres of arts, e.g. painting, architecture and literature, within the same period, in order to materialize this most abstract form of arts. Besides hearing, this allows us to see, and even touch the compositions and eventually learn about the underlying meaning.
The four 15-minute episodes of “Tips for Music Appreciation” will introduce the major stylistic changes from Medieval to Baroque period. As stated above, we will compare different forms of arts within each period, hoping that the audience will get a glimpse of the main features of music and arts in the past millennium.

除在報章和音響雜誌刊登文章外,李氏亦經常為康樂文化署和香港管弦樂團撰寫音樂會場刊,並曾與香港管弦樂團合作出版「浪漫之後」音樂欣賞小冊和鐳射唱片;此外,亦曾為寶麗金唱片公司編撰「WHY」、「WHY KLAVIER」及「PASSPORT TO MUSIC」等極為暢銷的鐳射唱片,對古典音樂的普及和推廣可謂不遺餘力。
Lee Kwok Ki Joseph graduated in CUHK and later pursued his studies at Northwestern University in the US. In the past decades, Joseph has given numerous talks for the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Music Office, Hong Kong Arts Library, Hong Kong Museum of History and many local institutes and schools. In addition, Joseph has also produced and conducted radio programmes on music appreciation for RTHK Radio 4, compiled classical CDs and wrote listening guides for bestselling classical compilation titles, including “Why”, “Why Klavier” and “Passport to Music”.

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Videos will be uploaded every week
第一輯 中世紀 (450-1000) — 黑暗時期
Episode 1 Medieval (450-1000) – The Dark Ages
Historians generally agree that western music originated during the Medieval period, after the fall of the Roman Empire. As Rome was invaded by the barbarians in its last years, this once cultural center of Europe was moved to Constantinople, the capital of the East Roman Empire. What left behind in Rome were only ruins and violence, where the residents couldn’t protect their properties, and even their own lives.
Today, when we visit those Medieval churches, while watching the frescos under the dim light shimmered through the small windows, we might still be blessed with the rare experience of hearing the chanting of the friars.
第二輯 中世紀 (1000-1450) — 晨曦初現
耶穌並沒有像預言般在他死後第一個千禧年回到人間作「 末日審判」,對大部分人來說,這確實是一個值得舉世歡騰的日子。那就讓我們到處建築高聳入雲的宏偉教堂,來表達我們的感恩吧!教堂,走到那裡都是教堂!齊來把厚實、內部昏暗的「羅馬樣式」逐漸變成更高、能採納更多光線的「歌德樣式」教堂;也要運用透視法的規條令高牆上的濕壁畫創作得更真實。
Episode 2 Medieval (1000-1450) – Let there be light
Jesus didn’t come back at the end of the first millennium for the prophesized “Judgement Day”. Well, this was certainly good news for most people and really worth celebrating. How? The answer was to build tall magnificent churches. As a result, everywhere there were churches. Eventually, those massive and dim Romanesque style evolved into the tall and lightened Gothic style. The lately invented ideas of perspective were also adopted in the creation of frescoes on the huge walls?
As for music, of course we also need to leave behind those hundreds of years old monophonic chants, and entered into the new world of polyphony. Well, don’t forget we also have the secular love songs and dances by the troubadours. Though seldom written down, they at least give us another choice other than their sacred counterparts.
第三輯 文藝復興時期 (1450-1600) —人文主義
Episode 3 Renaissance (1450-1600) – Humanism
After the Crusades and Black Death plagues, Europe saw a huge loss in manpower. Peasants now gained a higher negotiation power with the landlords as there were fields not cultivated everywhere. Gradually the merchants even collected so much power that they could rule the cities. Florence was a good example of such a phenomenon. Under the reign of the Medici family, Florence became the cradle of Renaissance. This wealthy family supported all kinds of arts to realize the glory of ancient Greece and Rome. Under their influences, Florence became the ideal example of all other cities throughout Europe. Actually, the familiar names of Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael, etc. all came from this era. So, what are the characteristics of Renaissance paintings, architectures and music? How important are the roles of “secular” and “humanity” among those?
第四輯 巴羅克時期 (1600-1750) — 奇異的珍珠
Episode 4 Baroque (1600-1750) — The bizarre pearl
After a whole era of great discovery, brilliant invention and huge leap in human intelligence, men once again rejoined and embraced religion. The difference was, now we had enough wealth and wisdom to decorate religion in a spectacular package. The religious figures in those huge sacred paintings became muscular Mr. Bodybuilder. Together with the strong contrast of light and dark, it seems that everything was so artificial and compiled in a photo studio, yet attractive and provoking. Added to the great names of Bach, Handel and Vivaldi, what a wonderful world!

主辦單位:香港科技大學 教育創新中心、藝術中心 及 匠心薈
Co-organized : The HKUST Center of Education Innovation, Center for Arts and L'Artiste