HKUST Arts Festival 2021 - ART, DESPITE THE PANDEMIC 藝術在蔓延
This year, HKUST Arts Festival returns with the theme Art, Despite the Pandemic to bring art and music back to revitalize the campus, and to remind us of the beauty of world cultures despite the challenges posed by COVID-19.
The Festival will begin with a series of online mini-concerts of Italian and German Baroque music by Camera da Concerto. The uplifting mood of Baroque music should cheer us up and give us hope.
Patrick Yim (violinist) and Kiu Tung Poon (pianist), virtuosi in their own field, will present a chamber music concert of contemporary American classics. A rarely performed repertoire at HKUST, the highly acclaimed musicians will enlighten us to the works of 20th century American composers.
The focal point of AF2021, the exhibition Between Europe and Asia: Traditional Music and Costumes from Central Asia, Caucasus and the Middle East, makes a new attempt to enhance audience’s multisensory experience with multimedia technologies, in anticipation of the advanced audio-visual facilities to be installed in the soon-to-be completed Shaw Auditorium later this year.
The opening ceremony of the exhibition will be held and broadcast online on March 24. Join us at this exciting event with a poetry recital and music performances given by Iranian, Kazakh and Turkish nationals in Hong Kong.
The exhibition is enriched with a musical tour led by the Nur Collective, a multinational group of musicians having a shared passion of spreading the exquisite cultures of Eurasia and North Africa in Hong Kong. Further, Eugene Leung, the curator of the exhibition, will partner with Pasha Umer to give a talk and demonstration on Central Asian dance in dazzling costumes accompanied with live music.
Last but not least, the School of Humanities and Social Science is holding their first Cosmopolis Festival from March to May this year. Like AF2021, the Festival celebrates the richness of music of various formats, styles and diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds played by renowned local as well as international artists.
Despite the pandemic, we have prepared a lot of art and music programs for your enjoyment!
For details of Cosmopolis Festival, click here.
Free Admission
Physical events are open to HKUST members and guests only
Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted to concerts
Disease Prevention Measures 防疫措施
Visitors will be subject to temperature check before admission to physical events. Mask must be worn at all times
in the venues. Hand sanitizers are provided in the venues.
AF2021 Publicity
Between Europe and Asia: Traditional Music and Costumes from Central Asia, Caucasus and the Middle East
Mar 24 - Oct 10 @Ping Yuan and Kinmay W Tang Gallery, Lee Shau Kee Library
Library Opening Hours: Click Here
Visiting Information: Click Here
【New Exhibits 新展品】
The exhibition is extended to Oct 10, 2021. Please visit the gallery for new music instruments and costumes.
The European Continent and Asia are geographically connected. They were the breeding grounds of the oldest civilizations in the world, and their histories and cultures are widely known today. The three regions lying between Europe and Asia, namely, Central Asia, Caucasus and the Middle East, have been intertwined with the ancient civilizations throughout their long histories, giving rise to rich cultures of art and music. The exhibition features the lively melodies and dazzling colors from these regions, highlighting the diversity of their cultures and customs.
We use a number of multimedia technologies to provide visitors with information and enjoyable interactive experience. Try Digital Cosplay, Carpet Garden and Music in Your Hands in our interactive corner.
Eugene Leung
The HKUST Center for the Arts
The HKUST Lee Shau Kee Library
The HKUST Media Technology and Publishing Center
Exhibition Opening Ceremony 展覽開幕禮
with poetry recital and music performances
Mar 24, 3:30 p.m. @Zoom
Meeting ID: 990 0735 2686 Passcode: 202103
Invitation Card 邀請卡: English version/ 中文版
Officiating Guests
Mr. Alireza Esmaeil Zadeh, Consul General, Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong and Macao
Mr. Rashid Yerishev, Consul General, Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong SAR, PRC
Mr. Ahmet Peyami Kalyoncu, Consul General, Turkish Consulate General in Hong Kong
Mr. Seyed Reza Hosseini, Consul (Cultural & Consular), Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong and Macao
Mrs. Pasha Umer Hood, Director, Silk Road Dance Cultural Society
Mr. Eugene Leung, Exhibition Curator
Professor Wei Shyy, President
Professor Lionel Ni, Provost
Ms. Diana Chan, Director of Library Services
Dr. Anna Kwong, Program Director, Center for the Arts
Mr. Thomas Ng, Director of Media Technology and Publishing Center
Alireza Esmaeil Zadeh 先生,伊朗伊斯蘭共和國駐香港及澳門總領事
Rashid Yerishev 先生, 哈薩克斯坦共和國駐香港總領事
Ahmet Peyami Kalyoncu 先生, 土耳其駐香港總領事
Seyed Reza Hosseini 先生,伊朗伊斯蘭共和國駐香港及澳門領事(領事事務及文化)
Pasha Umer Hood 女士, 絲路文化舞蹈協會總監
校長 史維教授
首席副校長 倪明選教授
圖書館館長 陳麗霞女士
藝術中心節目總監 鄺綺顏博士
媒體科技及出版中心主任 吳宏權先生
Events after Ceremony
Persian poetry recital by Mrs. Masoumeh Hosseini, Spouse of Mr. Seyed Reza Hosseini, Consul (Cultural & Consular), Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong and Macao
Turkish bağlama performance by Mr. Emrah Ocalan, Vice Consul, Turkish Consulate General in Hong Kong
Kazakh dombra performance by Mr. Almas Yeskenov, Translator, Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong SAR, PRC
波斯詩歌朗誦 伊朗伊斯蘭共和國駐香港及澳門領事(領事事務及文化)夫人 Masoumeh Hosseini 女士
巴拉瑪音樂表演 土耳其駐香港副領事Emrah Ocalan 先生
冬不拉音樂表演 哈薩克斯坦共和國駐香港總領事館翻譯員Almas Yeskenov先生
The organizers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the following organizations and people, for their generous support to the exhibition and related events.
- Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong and Macao
- Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong SAR, PRC
- Turkish Consulate General in Hong Kong
- Mr. Alireza Esmaeil Zadeh, Consul General, Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong and Macao
- Mr. Rashid Yerishev, Consul General, Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong SAR, PRC
- Mr. Ahmet Peyami Kalyoncu, Consul General, Turkish Consulate General in Hong Kong
- Mr. and Mrs. Seyed Reza Hosseini, Consul (Cultural & Consular), Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong and Macao
- Mr. Emrah Ocalan, Vice Consul, Turkish Consulate General in Hong Kong
- Mr. Almas Yeskenov, Translator, Consulate General of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Hong Kong SAR, PRC
- Kazakhstan Students Association in Hong Kong
- Mr. Rustam Azimov, Chair, Kazakhstan Students Association in Hong Kong
- The Nur Collective
- Prof. Jean During, Emeritus Senior Fellow, French National Center for Scientific Research
- Dr. Stefan Williamson Fa, Producer of the documentary film“Gitara”
- Mrs. Pasha Umer Hood, Director, Silk Road Dance Cultural Society
- Mr. Eugene Leung, Curator of this exhibition
- Mr. Omargeldi Atanov
- Mr. Amirkhan Bailin
- Ms. Eva Cheng
- Mr. Dickson Cheung
- Ms. Ashley Chung
- Mr. Musa Genç
- Mr. Elnur Hajiyev
- Mr. Amanzhol Kuantay
- Ms. Jessie Law
- Mr. Nasimjon Madmurodov
- Mr. Dayan Melisov
- Mr. Niyaz Nassyrov
- Mrs. Nafiseh Rezaei
- Ms. Moldir Seilkhanova
- Ms. Tsz-Ching Tung
- 伊朗伊斯蘭共和國駐香港及澳門總領事館
- 哈薩克斯坦共和國駐香港總領事館
- 土耳其駐香港總領事館
- Alireza Esmaeil Zadeh 先生,伊朗伊斯蘭共和國駐香港及澳門總領事
- Rashid Yerishev 先生,哈薩克斯坦共和國駐香港總領事
- Ahmet Peyami Kalyoncu 先生,土耳其駐香港總領事
- Seyed Reza Hosseini 先生及夫人,伊朗伊斯蘭共和國駐香港及澳門領事(領事事務及文化)
- Emrah Ocalan 先生,土耳其駐香港副領事
- Almas Yeskenov 先生,哈薩克斯坦共和國駐香港總領事館翻譯員
- 香港哈薩克學生聯會
- Rustam Azimov 先生,香港哈薩克學生聯會主席
- The Nur Collective
- Jean During 教授,法國國家科學研究中心榮休高級研究院士
- Stefan Williamson Fa 博士,紀錄片“Gitara”製作人
- Pasha Umer Hood 女士,絲路文化舞蹈協會總監
- 梁宇正先生,本展覽策展人
- Omargeldi Atanov 先生
- Amirkhan Bailin 先生
- 鄭伊茜女士
- 張迪生先生
- 鍾垂意女士
- 章遂良先生
- Elnur Hajiyev 先生
- Amanzhol Kuantay 先生
- 羅恩灝女士
- Nasimjon Madmurodov 先生
- Dayan Melisov先生
- Niyaz Nassyrov先生
- Nafiseh Rezaei 女士
- Moldir Seikhanova 女士
- 董芷菁女士
American Masterpieces for Violin and Piano by Patrick Yim and Kiu Tung Poon
Mar 29, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. @Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
This violin-piano duet program will take us all the way to American contemporary classical music. In this one-hour concert, Patrick Yim (violinist) and Kiu Tung Poon (Pianist) will perform many masterpieces composed by American composers such as Sebastian Currier, Nathan Currier, George Tsontakis and Chen Yi.
Honolulu-born violinist Patrick Yim performed throughout the world at many venues, including Carnegie Hall (New York), Seoul Arts Center and Harpa Concert Hall (Reykjavík). Young Steinway Artist Kiu Tung Poon appeared as a recitalist and collaborative pianist on concert stages and festivals worldwide.
Maqams, Rhythms and Instruments: an Interactive Workshop on Central Asian and Middle Eastern Music
Apr 14, 1 - 2 p.m. @Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
What do we usually associate with Middle Eastern and Central Asian music? Belly dance? Scales with out-of-tune notes? Difficult rhythms? Exotic-looking instruments that look neither western nor eastern but resemble them somehow? In this workshop, members of The Nur Collective will unpack some of the mysteries of theses musics. Through trying to sing some of these mesmerizing scales (maqams), to clap their irregular rhythms, and learning about these different types of instruments, with examples from Arabic, Turkish, Uyghur and Uzbek musics, you will come away with a greater bodily and intellectual understanding of these delicate yet ecstatic musics.
Lovers' Complaint: a Musical Tour Through Central Asia, Caucasus and the Middle East by Nur Collective
Apr 14, 7:30 - 9 p.m. @Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
The fervent Lover has a burning desire to be in union with the Beloved, who always remain elusive, out of grasp. The Lover sojourns the world, suffers all sorts of humiliation, gives up all earthly wants, in hope for just one glance from the perfect Beloved. Such is the fervent love depicted in many songs from Central Asia, Caucasus and the Middle East, reflecting the influence of Sufism, a mystical tradition within Islam.
In this concert, The Nur Collective will bring you the yearnings and ecstasy of this tradition through a selection of songs and pieces from across the region, from classical music of the Uyghurs, contemporary arrangements of Caucasian folk music, to the songs of the beloved Egyptian diva Umm Kulthum, experienced through an array of authentic lutes, flutes and drums from the area.
My Dear with Passionate Eyes: an Afternoon of Central Asian Dance by Pasha Umer and Eugene Leung
Apr 22, 1 - 1:45 p.m. @Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
From the royal courts of the Uyghurs in Kashgar and Uzbeks in Khiva, to the steppes of the nomadic Kazakhs and to the oasis village of the Dolans, Central Asia is home to a wide variety of dance traditions, in turns exquisite, playful and exuberant. In this performance, the famous dancer Pasha Umer will lead the Silk Road Dance Cultural Society to bring you a rare chance to experience these dance traditions up-close: not only will there be live singing and music accompaniment on traditional instruments featuring Eugene Leung of The Nur Collective, there will also be the opportunity to try dancing yourself!
The Splendours of Italian and German Baroque Music by Concerto da Camera
雅樂合奏團 -
Mar 11 - Apr 15, every Thursday
Program Details: Click Here
The local chamber music ensemble Concerto da Camera will present a series of online mini-concerts through the six consecutive weeks. In the concerts, we will hear many variegated masterpieces of the Italian and German Baroque periods.
Founded in 2004, Concerto da Camera has brought unique, innovative chamber music and arts programs to audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Its programming strives to increase public interest in classical music, and to foster arts and culture.
Since the late 1960s the guitar has been adopted and transformed by musicians across the Caucasus. Inspired by traditional genres, such as the courtly mugham, and the songs and tunes of ashiq bards, guitarists have developed a unique sound, new techniques and styles of playing. Gitara traces the development of this musical subculture, following the lives of guitarists from the suburbs of Azerbaijan's capital Baku to the rural villages of Borçalı (Kvemo Kartli) in Georgia
Presented by
The HKUST Center for Education Innovation and Center for the Arts