HKUST Arts Festival 2019 - ART & CRISIS
The plastic crisis is recognized as one of the greatest challenges to the world. How would artists express their concern?
Visual artist Michelle Fung has been working on this theme for a few years and developed visual projects, creative writing and book illustrations on it. Imagine one day, we have to feed ourselves on plastic, what will the world or life be like? Michelle’s fantasy and artworks can be seen in “Plastic, plastic, every where!” exhibition during AF2019.
The documentary is a favorite art form to deal with crises. A recent production, A Plastic Ocean, has shocked viewers all over the world with the alarming state of affairs. The Center for the Arts is screening it with a panel discussion afterwards. The panelists will share with you tips to lead a plastic-free life and the cutting edge technology to recycle plastic.
In April, Italian designer and artist Manuela Catania will conduct a Plastic Fashion Workshop for us. She has been exploring ways to use old textile and plastic to hand-make wearable fashion pieces. To prepare for the workshop, we’re already working with the Sustainable Unit to collect used, clean plastic on campus. Help us turn waste into useful materials and join us to learn fashion design and making skills!
We hope to see you in our events.
Date & Time
11 Mar 2018 (Mon), 1-2 pm
Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall
Officiating Guests
Ms. Anne LEE, Deputy Editor in Chief, Joint Publishing (HK) Co., Ltd.
Mrs. Yvonne CHOI, Chairwoman, the University of Hong Kong Museum Society
Ms. FUNG Kuen Suet, Michelle, Visual Artist
Prof. Roger CHENG, Associate Provost (Teaching and Learning), HKUST
Ms. Diana CHAN, University Librarian, HKUST
Dr. Anna KWONG, Program Director, Center for the Arts, HKUST
Language: English & Cantonese
Refreshments will be served

Nritya Nirantar - An Endless Dance
Apr 30

Chamber Music Concert Series - Concert VII by Euna KIM and Evelyn CHANG (Event Postponed)
Admission is free unless otherwise specified. All programs are open to HKUST members and guests only.
Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted to concerts.
Presented by
The HKUST Center for Education Innovation and Center for the Arts