HKUST Arts Festival 2023 - Arts in Multicultural Hong Kong 藝術 · 文化 · 多元
The Center for the Arts is glad to announce the theme of HKUST Arts Festival 2023, Arts in Multicultural Hong Kong. In the planning of this year’s program, we came across art forms and artists of diverse cultural backgrounds and wished to bring Hong Kong’s vigorous art and cultural scene to HKUST.
Does “LauZone” sound familiar to you? To the older generations the label “LauZone” (or 撈鬆 in Cantonese) connotes the unique multiethnic nature of the Hong Kong society. Inspired by family history and personal cultural exposure, Rick Lau partnered with Anna Lo to create a highly entertaining cabaret musical exploring phenomena of customs, dialects and languages in Hong Kong. LauZone@HKUST promises a lot of fun and is not to be missed!
In addition, we’ll showcase an experimental devising theatre inspired by French surrealist cinema by Alice Theatre Laboratory. We’ll also collaborate with Chung Ying Theatre to host a Community Oral History Exhibition (Sai Kung District) and Sharing in Shaw Auditorium. Built in Sai Kung more than 30 years ago, the HKUST is now an integral part of the district. The two events will enable us to appreciate the theatre of European traditions and hear senior amateur actors and actresses from Sai Kung tell the history of the place.
Talking about history, the dance show All About the Three Kingdoms by Hong Kong Dance Company will narrate tales from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms from ancient Chinese history. Contrasting with but also complementing it will be the Interactive Drumming and Dance by Makha Diop and his friends from Africa. Audiences will be invited to contemplate the destiny of historical personages and dive into the vibrant beats and atmosphere of African folk arts in our events.
Besides, the diversity of music is another area we want to explore. In a collaborative project with Hong Kong Arts Festival, the historical flautist Tsang Yat Ho will talk about the Evolution of Flute from Baroque to Modern Periods. Students who register to become Young Friends of Hong Kong Arts Festival through the Center for the Arts will have free tickets to Tsang’s concerts*.
The renowned musician brothers Wong Shing Chuen and Wong Sing Kwan will give a talk and demonstration on the Synergy Between Performers and Musicians in Cantonese Opera. While Cantonese opera musicians are well-known for their abilities to synergize, Jazz players are no less capable of improvising during performances. Jazz composer and guitarist Alan Kwan will talk about his award-winning album Between Now and Never in a live performance with guest players.
Another highlight of AF2023 is the Resplendent Beauty: On Cantonese Opera Repertoire and Costumes Exhibition in the Library. The beauty of stage sets and costumes of four classic Cantonese operas will be featured and enhanced by multimedia technologies. Echoing the current trend of ArtxTech, we’ll show the digitally restored movie Butterfly and Plum Blossoms (1959) followed by a discussion with Sam Ho and Horus Tsui, film researcher and digital archive specialist respectively.
Registration to the events are already open, don’t miss out any of them!
*30 free memberships are available for HKUST students exclusively. The memberships will be given out on a first-come-first-served basis.
Free Admission
Events are open to HKUST members, Friends of HKUST, and invited guests only
Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted to concerts

Cantonese opera is a unique genre of performing art in the Lingnan area in southern China. It applies singing, acting, recitation and martial arts to a large variety of drama plots, and combines stage design, costume design and music accompaniment to become a folk art in the traditional society. The earliest known records of performances by Cantonese opera troupes in Hong Kong can be traced back to the mid-19th century, and the relatively liberal social atmosphere and affluent material life favored a rapid development in post-war Hong Kong. In 2009, in recognition of its historical significance and cultural value, Cantonese opera was inscribed onto UNESCO’s Representative List of World Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Despite its high cultural status, Cantonese opera is struggling to maintain a sustainable development, a challenge posed by the rapid expansion of entertainment businesses in past decades. HKUST Center for the Arts and the Library co-organize the exhibition as a major event of HKUST Arts Festival 2023. It echoes the theme of AF2023, Arts in Multicultural Hong Kong, to present and hopefully to revive this precious cultural heritage of Hong Kong.
The exhibition focuses on four well-known Cantonese operas, namely, The Butterfly Lovers and Muk Gwai-ying Routing Hongzhou by Yip Shiu-tak, The Floral Princess by Tong Dik-sang and The Priceless Jade by Lee Siu-wan, selected based on the diversity of historical backgrounds and themes, to reflect the wide spectrum of the art form. In the creative process of the librettos, the librettists had to arrange traditional tunes, lyrics and dialogues according to the contents and narrative structure of the drama. In addition to having a profound knowledge of Chinese literature and outstanding writing skills, they had to be familiar with performing routines and stage operation, setting out in the plays details such as how actors appear on the stage, timing for costume change and change of scenes, to name just a few.
The four operas are not only renowned for the excellent screenwriting and portrayal of characters, their stage sets and costume designs are also artworks in their own right. The main characters on display in their respective stage sets here are selected to feature royalties, dignitaries, battle commandants, and last but not least, ordinary people, to illustrate the four major types of Cantonese opera outfits, namely, python ceremonial robes, armor, gowns with a sloping collar (casual clothing for ordinary people) and gowns with a vertical collar (casual clothing for dignitaries), together with their matching headgears. Visitors will discover the beauty of these artefacts and interact with multimedia presentations in the Library and the foyer of Shaw Auditorium.
In its development over a long period of time, Cantonese opera has evolved into a multitudinous performing art form with unique formats of expression. Through presenting the fundamentals of Cantonese opera, this exhibition hopes to inspire the public to explore further opportunities to appreciate this precious art.
Opening Ceremony
- Date: April 13, 2023 (Thursday)
- Time: 3:30 p.m.
- Venue: HKUST Library Ping Yuan and Kinmay W Tang Gallery
- 日期:2023年4月13日(星期四)
- 時間:下午3時30分
- 地點:香港科技大學圖書館唐炳源唐溫金美展覽廳
Guide Tour (Cantonese)
- Date: April 13, 2023 (Thursday)
- Time: 4:30 p.m.
- Venue: HKUST Library Ping Yuan and Kinmay W Tang Gallery
- Registration: to be announced
Guided Tour (English)
- Date: April 25, 2023 (Tuesday)
- Time: 1:30 p.m.
- Venue: HKUST Library Ping Yuan and Kinmay W Tang Gallery
- Registration: to be announced
展覽導賞 (廣東話)
- 日期:2023年4月13日(星期四)
- 時間:下午4時30分
- 地點:香港科技大學圖書館唐炳源唐溫金美展覽廳
- 登記:即將公佈
展覽導賞 (英語)
- 日期:2023年4月25日(星期二)
- 時間:下午1時30分
- 地點:香港科技大學圖書館唐炳源唐溫金美展覽廳
- 登記:即將公佈
Shaw Auditorium Unit
The HKUST Center for the Arts
The HKUST Lee Shau Kee Library
All events
Performance + Sharing
Surrealism Theatre Creative Lab: Theatre Alchemy by Alice Theatre Laboratory
愛麗絲劇場實驗室超現實主義劇場:煉金術劇場 前瞻演出及分享會
Mar 2, 7:30 PM, @CMA Lecture Theatre (LT-L)
A devising piece led by Director Andrew Chan together with 4 performers will be shown in the sharing. They use signature Surrealism film “The Blood of a Poet”, text from “Les Chants de Maldoror” and “Cecilia” as the stimulus of the creation. The creative team will have brief introduction of Surrealism and devising theatre. Participants who have a chance to witness the whole process of the devising theatre can experience some performer training during the event.
*CORE 1905 Recognized
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
The Evolution of Flute from Baroque to Modern Periods by Tsang Yat-ho
Mar 6, 7:30 PM, @CMA Lecture Theatre (LT-L)
The flute is arguably the oldest musical instrument in the world, as it has gone through thousands of years before appearing in its modern form with the sophisticated key system. In this talk, historical flautist Tsang Yat-ho will introduce the evolution of flute from Baroque to modern periods. With his talk and demonstration, the audience will have a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the different types of flutes in terms of appearance, volume, tone and timbre etc. Tsang will also share his experience of learning period instruments and practising historically informed performance (HIP) in Hong Kong and Europe.
*CORE 1905 Recognized
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
All About the Three Kingdoms by Hong Kong Dance Company
Mar 8, 7:30 PM, @Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium
Gaining mastery of dance through years of practice, dancers convey the beauty of tradition in their rich and expressive movements. We’d like to offer you a chance to share in the joy of artistic creation in our vivid and interactive new dance performance. Pick your seat in the theatre and immerse yourself in the magic of dance!
Art Education Theatre All About The Three Kingdoms is a family-friendly performance for audiences of all ages. Through the show, which brings alive tales from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, audiences can gain deeper insights into arts appreciation. In three excerpts from this great classic, we’ll share the heartaches and tribulations of its heroes as they face troubled times.
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
Interactive African Drumming and Dance
Mar 13, 7:30 PM, @cma lecture theatre (Lt-l)
African Drumming And Dance Connection (ADADC) is a pioneer group of African drum-dance culture in Hong Kong and South East Asia. The group performs and conducts djembe (African drum) workshops in Hong Kong, China and other East Asian countries.
In this event, Makha Diop, master drummer and director of ADADC, will give an exciting performance and teach participants some simple African dance steps together with other drummers and dancers! They may invite you to try playing the African drum on stage as well! Come join us and learn more about African Drumming and Dance!
*CORE 1905 Recognized
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
Exhibition + Talk
Jockey Club “Once Under the Lion Rock” Oral History Theatre Programme: Roving Exhibition “All About Hong Kong”
Mar 23 - Apr 1, @Foyer Exhibition Space, Shaw Auditorium
Using Oral History Theatre as method, the troupe encourage participants to stage their own stories! This exhibition will be showcasing unique anecdote collected from Sai Kung for wider audience to learn about how the district has transformed from earlier generations.
*Sharing Session (1 hour): MAR 30, 3:00pm
*Guided Tours (45 minutes):
(1) MAR 27, 3:00 PM
(2) MAR 27, 4:00 PM
(3) MAR 30, 4:15 PM
*CORE 1905 Recognized
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
Screening + Talk
Screening: Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom (digitally restored version)
Sharing: Sam Ho (Film Researcher), Koven Lo (Conservation, Hong Kong Film Archive)
Mar 24, 6:30 PM, @Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium
In 2019, Hong Kong Film Archive made the first restoration of a Cantonese opera film, the Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom (蝶影紅梨記) of 1959. Center for the Arts is screening the digitally restored version and inviting speakers, Mr. Sam Ho and Mr. Koven Lo, to share the experience and technology behind with us. This will provide a glimpse into the technologies of film restoration and the work of building up digital archives that are of great academic values in the 21st century.
*CORE 1905 Recognized
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
Jazz Talk and Demo: Between Now And Never by Invisible Architecture
Mar 27, 7:30 PM, @CMA Lecture Theatre (LT-L)
In this talk, Hong Kong jazz guitarist/composer Alan KWAN and musicians Rayvaughn COVINGTON and Padget NANTON will discuss the emergence of Invisible Architecture’s Golden Melody Award-winning debut album Between Now and Never. Making use of the latest music production technologies and tools, the trio has created musical works that fuse ambient and electronica with the expressive vocabulary of modern jazz. The trio will perform and share details of their creative processes and the inspiration behind their album.
*CORE 1905 Recognized
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
Talk and Demonstration: Synergy Between Performers and Musicians in Cantonese Opera by Wong Shing Chuen, Wong Sing Kwan
Mar 30, 7:00 PM, @Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium
Renowned musician Mr. Leonard Wong Shing-chuen and his brother Duncan Wong are invited to give talks and demonstration on Cantonese opera music with live demonstration.
*CORE 1905 Recognized
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
LauZone @HKUST
Apr 28, 7:30 PM, @Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium
Get ready for the euphony of dialects, music, and laughter with local talents Anna Lo and Rick Lau. LauZone is a cabaret style show singing tribute to the lives and memories of the melting pot known as Hong Kong.
Stay tuned for more details.
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
The Floral Princess (abridged version) Live Performance by Chin Shan, Ling Yan and Workshop Participants
《帝女花》精緻版 – 演出:千珊、靈音與粵劇工作坊學員
May 5, 7:30 PM, @Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium
During the Cantonese Exhibition, the Center for the Arts will run a workshop to train interested HKUST members to sing and act the Floral Princess (abridged version). Participants will have the chance to share the stage with professional performers Ms Chin Shan and Ms Ling Yan in the performance.
Stay tuned for more details.
Program Details & Registration: Click Here
Presented by
Shaw Auditorium Unit
The HKUST Center for the Arts